Join the exclusive community of fans and supporters on our Danes of Greatness NIL Collective.

Hoop Dreams, Exclusive Teams – Join the Danes of Greatness Fan Club


    - Danes of Greatness decal or sticker

    - Open access to Friday practices 

    - Quarterly -  Mentality email from coaches 

    - Danes of Greatness t-shirt 


    - Danes of Greatness decal or sticker

    - Open access to practices 

    - Quarterly -  Mentality email from coaches 

    - Danes of Greatness t-shirt 

    - Personalized frame autographed photo with player or coach of your choice

    - Invitation to high-five tunnel at Broadview Center.


    - Danes of Greatness decal or sticker

    - Open access to practices 

    - Quarterly -  mentality Email from coaches 

    - Danes of Greatness t-shirt 

    - Personalized frame autographed photo with player or coach of your choice

    - Invitation to high-five tunnel at Broadview Center.

    - Two (2) tickets to pre-game meal

    - Two (2) tickets courtside to agreed upon game at Broadview Center.

Great Dane Nation

Student Membership Only

  • Danes of Greatness Decal or Sticker

  • Danes of Greatness Wristband

  • Open Access to Friday practices 

  • Entries to team giveaway

  • Opportunity to win prize for each home game when they post their favorite shot

  • Pizza Party sponsored by Babba’s Pizza Dec 3rd